Carl Carter
Age: 31
Hometown: Little Rock, AR
Occupation: Training Supervisor for Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Races Completed: 1 ultra marathon 11 marathons and 5 half-marathons

Carl Carter passed a “Little Rock Marathon” training billboard  in 2005 and the rest is history. It was the starting line that gave him direction and focus in his life when he needed it. During his training for his first marathon, he lost 70 pounds and continues to watch his diet even though he runs 40 miles a week.

“Running is a metaphor for so many incredible things in my life.  It’s taught me that I can always go further and faster than I think I can.  It’s given me a feeling of pride and accomplishment unlike anything else.  And, I’ve met my very best friends through this incredible sport,” Carter said.

Leah Thorvilson is one of those close friends he met through running. Thorvilson will be  running in the U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon. After meeting two years ago, Thorvilson and Carter have been inseparable. Carter is looking forward to cheering on Thorvilson before he runs the Chevron Houston Marathon the next day. Carter says some of his favorite races are those Thorvilson uses as training runs. Those races they enjoy running in costume and having as much fun as possible.

Carter is part of The Little Rock Running Club and runs with Thorvilson on his tempo runs, which he says feel more like a 5K. At first his challenge was just finishing but now his challenge is finishing in style. He is also wants to push his personal records and qualify for the Boston Marathon.

Carter’s advice for new runners is to listen to their body and keep a running log. “I think we’re all guilty of trying to be amazing athletes overnight.  It’s critical to take it slow, hydrate, and rest!  Injuries and runner burn-out are not fun,” Carter said.  “Also, the human body is an incredible thing.  A running log helps runners keep focus by showing you how fast your body is adapting to your new lifestyle.”

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